Resources for Organic Veterinarians and Producers
Oregon Tilth: Organic Certification & Sustainable Agriculture
USDA Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices Final Rule
OMRI: Organic Materials Review Institute
USDA: Organic Livestock Requirements
USDA Tipsheet: Treatment of Sick or Injured Organic Livestock
Herd Health on Organic Dairy Farms
USDA National Agricultural Library: Organic Livestock
Materials Approved for Use in Organic Production and Handling
Decoding Organic Dairy Healthcare Product Labels
Acres U.S.A.
Publishes several books that will be helpful to both veterinarians and producers:
Alternative Treatments for Ruminant Animals by Dr. Paul Dettloff (2004, 254 p.)
Treating Dairy Cows Naturally by Dr. Hubert J. Karreman (2004, 2007, 412 p.)
The Barn Guide to Treating Dairy Cows Naturally by Dr. Hubert J. Karreman (2011, 192 p.).
ATTRA Publications
Organic Standards for Livestock Production: Excerpts of USDA’s National Organic Program Regulations
Guide for Organic Livestock Producers
Organic Materials Compliance
Publishes several books that will be helpful to both veterinarians and producers:
Alternative Treatments for Ruminant Animals by Dr. Paul Dettloff (2004, 254 p.)
Treating Dairy Cows Naturally by Dr. Hubert J. Karreman (2004, 2007, 412 p.)
The Barn Guide to Treating Dairy Cows Naturally by Dr. Hubert J. Karreman (2011, 192 p.).
ATTRA Publications
Organic Standards for Livestock Production: Excerpts of USDA’s National Organic Program Regulations
Guide for Organic Livestock Producers
Organic Materials Compliance